For those using Pluto: fabula amoris, you can access audio readings for all 8 chapters for free using the links below!
Using Google is a great way to provide audio input for students. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with visual representations allowing students multiple means of engagement and representation. Audio is a great tool to support students with dyslexia, who are vision students, or students with processing concerns. Below are some ways we've used Google audio in the past, including an experience that showed us where we had room to grow. The Fault in Our PlansUsing Audio with ReadingsWhen Rachel Ash and I wrote and published Pluto: fabula amoris, we wanted to include audio readings of each chapter. You will find those linked below. We often use these in conjunction with readings. Students can follow along while they read and they provide important input for vision students who are in our program.
Using Audio to Tell StoriesLinked below is my first attempt at Latin listening radio. I wrote this horror story a few years ago for a novice high Latin listener. It makes use of a variety of tools to engage students in listening when reading is not available. In addition to reading with expression, each sentence is accompanied with a sound or two to help set the tone and make meaning clear. For example, when the main character slams a door, the audience hears the sound of a door slam.