Trigger Warning: This post has mentions of r*p*, s**c*d*, sl*v*ry, and r*c*sm. While vowels are not included here, they are in the text for clarity. IntroductionFirstly, I teach in a program that is untextbooked. While we regularly reference textbooks and look at resources for ideas and supports, we do not use a textbook in our classes. This has been the case for many years. Secondly, I got a copy of this textbook because it seemed very promising and I'd heard reports of the amount of work and research that went into it and that it was multicultural and made progress in terms of equity. I was very excited to have it as a resource and potentially use it where appropriate. I am breaking this review into parts. I was planning on writing one review, but as I looked through the chapters, it became clear that this was not possible. So, I will link subsequent and previous reviews as I go, but here is what I'm planning:
I will not be reviewing the grammar pieces, nor will I be reviewing the teaching philosophy, methods, or strategies provided because (a) that is not my point in these reviews and (b) I am still waiting for a textbook built on Comprehensible Input and Second Language Acquisition Research. Lastly, while my writing is my own, a number of things that have been shared here were voiced to me by friends and trusted colleagues. Credit is given always, but is only named where appropriate. I could not write these posts without their valued input and discussions they had with me. Where I can I am providing links to online discussions (nothing from private groups, only from public Twitter feeds) and references as I am able. Please bear in mind that I am not perfect and am a full time teacher who is also in grad school, so if I miss something or did not reference something, please put it in the comments and I will get to it as soon as I can. Lastly, in the interest of copyright, I am not going to be posting pictures of what I see. I will do my best to describe the issues. Opening Pages + Chapter 1
Chapter 2 and 3
Chapters 4-5
Chapters 6-7
Chapters 8-9
AboutThis particular blog is dedicated to social justice workings in my professional and personal life. Archives
June 2022