This is part 4 in a 6 part series. If you haven't, please go and read parts 1-3 first. They are on the first two principle of the Comprehension Hypothesis: Acquisition and Learning, the Natural Order Hypothesis, the monitor principle, and their role in social justice in the classroom. The Input HypothesisThe input hypothesis is commonly referred to as the i+1 hypothesis. It states that we acquire language when we receive understandable input that is just outside of what we have already acquired (Krashen, 1983). This is not to be confused with forced output or immersion classes (Patrick, 2019). There is a distinct difference. Further, traditional grammar-translation teachers can also be guilty of this by forcing translation, exposure and engagement with grammar topics, or forcing composition before students are ready (Patrick, 2019). So, how can one ensure they are providing proper input? Krashen provides a few ways in his work. Caretakers restrict language to what is most important in the moment, use their desire to be understood, and simplify language (Krashen, 1983). Language teachers must provide support to students to establish clear meaning: visuals, slowing down, repeating, asking yes/no questions, and scaffolding questions (Krashen 1983). If you are thinking that this does not apply to you as a Latin teacher because your goal is not necessarily to get them speaking, you are not alone. Patrick (2019) makes a great note of this and points out that as Latin teachers we also want our students to read and access texts of various literature traditions (Patrick, 2019). So, how does this apply to a proper understanding of CI and its inclusion of equity? All Day Every DayThis is how you should be applying this principle: all day, every day. The input hypothesis, like them all, applied to language acquisition, but also to everything we do. This principle, in particular, speaks to our disabled students, and our students who work, who are needed for help in the home, or who suffer ACEs, to name a few. So, for today, I am going to do this piece as a list. I am going to do my best to provide resources for each, but you can see my References and Resources list for specific books and sites I've consulted and work with regularly.
Let's say that I am working with my students on reading some teacher created stories about the Roman gods and goddesses. I have already looked at considerations for vocabulary, culture, triggers, etc. Here is what the first 3 days might look like:
ReferencesCast, Inc. (2020). CAST website. Retrieved from:
Krashen, S. (1983). The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom. Alemany Press. Patrick, M (2020, February 10). Every Day Ideas [Blog]. Retrieved from: Patrick, M (2019, October 1). Quick Assessment Ideas [Blog]. Retrived from: Patrick, R. (2019). Comprehensible Input and Krashen's theory. Journal of Classics Teaching, 20(39), 37-44. doi:10.1017/S2058631019000060
This is part 3 in a 6 part series. If you haven't, please go and read parts 1 and 2 first. They are on the first two principle of the Comprehension Hypothesis: Acquisition and Learning, the Natural Order Hypothesis, and its role in social justice in the classroom. So, I'm going to start today's blog with a story. It is a year's old story and one I often share in person but rarely in writing. I was at a speaking Latin event, often shared over a meal, and was engaged in conversation in Latin with a number of people. Someone asked me a question and I answered it. However, I used a word that another person in the conversation did not prefer. They proceeded to "correct" me using a vocabulary word they liked, but one I was not familiar with. I tried to continue the conversation, but they insisted on repeatedly "correcting" me and wanting me to repeat back what I'd heard. I did not. Instead, I became incredibly anxious that I was using Latin incorrectly and completely disengaged. I only answered questions briefly and mostly spent my time trying to figure out this word I didn't know. When I finally got home, I researched both words only to discover that not only was my use of the word correct, it was more common. I was baffled at the experience. Why was the preference of one word over another, when both were correct, such an issue? The Monitor HypothesisThis hypothesis/principle is two fold. The first piece speaks to language acquisition theory and states that, when certain conditions are met, conscious learning can happen and can be useful (Krashen, 1983). We can self correct or edit our output and it happens in both first and subsequent languages, when enough comprehensible input has been received and language has been acquired (Krashen, 1983). The second piece of this principle is a warning. When there is too much of this self-consciousness, too early, or at inappropriate times, it can cause damage and harm (Patrick, 2019). Knowing these things, it is clear to see what happened to my brain in the above story. When the monitor is applied inappropriately or before someone is ready, it raises anxiety levels to a point where, at worst, no communication happens and no comprehensible input is received. Now imagine what happens to a student... The Monitor Hypothesis and EquityPatrick (2019) describes these moments really well, "Relationships become awkward, and dangers and opportunities can be misread with too much self-consciousness... in great amounts can become entirely paralysing" (Patrick, 2019, p. 41). As teachers, we must be very careful with this hypothesis. If we force the monitor on students too early, they will shut down. If a student comes to us, asking for more, and we silence their questions, we shut them down. But even more so, consider these points of equity:
How I use the Monitor HypothesisThe accusation is often made that because CI teachers don't teach explicit grammar until students are ready that "we don't use grammar". (1) Of course we use grammar. We use it every time we use the language. (2) What this argument really suggests it that we let our students "run rampant" all "willy nilly" with language. That isn't true either. I get it though. It's an easy jump to make when I say things like " I have no charts in my room" or when my students tell their friends at other schools, "we don't take grammar notes". So, if you'll indulge me, I'd like to share when I DO engage the monitor hypothesis.
ReferencesEmdin, C. (2016). For white folks who teach in the hood: And the rest of y’all too. Boston, MA:
Beacon Press. Krashen, S. (1983). The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom. Alemany Press. Patrick, R. (2019). Comprehensible Input and Krashen's theory. Journal of Classics Teaching, 20(39), 37-44. doi:10.1017/S2058631019000060 This is part 2 in a 6 part series. If you haven't, please go and read part 1 first. It is on the first principle of the Comprehension Hypothesis: Acquisition and Learning and its role in social justice in the classroom. The Natural Order HypothesisThe natural order hypothesis holds that "grammatical structures are acquired... in a predictable order" (Krashen, 1983, p. 28). However, one should note that this does not mean that every learner will acquire grammar in the exact same order, nor does it state that we know the exact order for each learner or each language (Krashen, 1983; Patrick, 2019). There are some grammatical concepts that are more naturally acquired early on and some that can wait (Krashen, 1983). Whatever order something may be acquired in, the key to it is understandable messages in the target language (Krashen, 1983; Patrick, 2019). I want to address what I see as two pieces to this hypothesis and its role in social justice separately. The first is the use of high frequency vocabulary as a leading factor when considering in what order one should "teach" something. The second is a further discussion on the argument some make against CI in the first post: that by following CI, one is "dumbing down" language or presuming that BIPOC cannot survive or flourish in a traditional, non CI, classroom. High Frequency VocabularyThere are a number of frequency lists out there for any language: top 5 verbs, top 7 verbs, 50 Most Important Verbs, etc. All of these lists are important and can play a great role in helping teachers determine what words they want to focus on, target, etc. (please note that this is not the post to argue for targeted vs. untargeted... WHOLE other thing). What I want to consider, however, is that these lists are just the beginning of the work we need to do as teachers to use this hypothesis for the delivery of comprehensible input. Frequency lists are often based on verbs that apply to daily situations or situations people find themselves in most often (and that is useful). Latin frequency lists tend to look at literature (from a time period, from a certain style, etc) and pull the words most frequently used (and that is useful). However.... our students are coming with their own experiences and histories. Just because a word is used a lot in one place does not mean that it will be meaningful, comprehensible, or culturally responsive for our students. As teachers who use the Comprehension Hypothesis, we must look at all of this and make rational and culturally responsive choices about the words we use with and put in front of our students every day. Take, for example, the Latin word villa. This word means a country-house or a farm or villa. It does not mean "house". And yet, quite often Latin textbooks will introduce it early on to mean house or home and subsequently teachers will use it to mean that as well. I did this at one point in time too. villa does not appear on the Dickenson Core Vocabulary list at all. domus, which does mean house or home, is number 73 on that same list. casa which means a simple house, a cottage, a hut, shed, cabin, etc. does not appear on the list either. insulae, which means (in this context) literally means "house for poor people" opposite domus or villa , means something akin to an apartment building/apartment and is number 908 on the list. When one considers these three words and their original Roman meanings and what they would be today, it is hopefully clear how inappropriate a word like villa would be as a "stand in" for house. Even a word like insulae and domus would need context. Frequency lists are just the start. In order to deliver true CI to our students, we must consider these lists, the words in our target language, AND our students' own experiences. When comparing my home to that of the Romans, I likely lived in a casa maybe a smaller domus; in my dreams it's a villa meaning farm. It is a one story home with a larger yard and lots of trees. When I first started teaching... I lived in a town home. I could have probably used insulae or casa to describe the setting, with some context. Long story short: we have to use words and know their FULL meaning. The fact is, housing is an issue steeped in racism. Red-lining is real. Chances are your district was built in a racist way. We need to be aware of that. The Natural Order Hypothesis and the argument against itTeaching and education are systems that has long valued and both overtly and covertly pushed a white supremacist agenda. I say this as a white teacher who has benefited from this system. There are a host of resources on this. I will direct you to this page of my site for some resources. At the top are resource by type; I am always looking to add to it. The one I want to focus on today is Christopher Emdin's work. If he is not part of your reading and research, move fast, and add him to your list. Take a minute and really think about the things most schools value: dress codes that target girls, LGBTQIA+, and BIPOC girls and boys, sitting quietly, speaking in a certain manner with specific language (e.g. ask vs. ax), etc. All of these things feature and put on a pedestal the typical experience and expectations of white children (Emdin, 2016). They target anything that doesn't fit into this image. Black students in particular are often targeted for their language use, clothing choice, natural hair, etc. Girls and LGBTQIA+ youth are targeted for any clothing that "pushes an agenda" or shows off a shoulder. The same is true of a grammar syllabus. I am also going to put this out there: If you argue that you want all "smart" students including BIPOC, you still have a problem. Grammar syllabi, wanting all "smart" kids, etc disfavour and discriminate against: BIPOC, disabled children, children who do not come from affluent homes, children who suffer from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). When you say things like this, when you teach explicit grammar or require things learned in a certain format, order, etc., when you then test on these things and require perfection, what you really are saying is that you only want a certain type of learner. Comprehensible Input, when truly and properly considered and used, requires that we do this work. CI looks at the students in your room and say, "how best can I help these students acquire language and succeed"? So, let's take a look. Who is in our classroom and how can we help them succeed on their terms? ReferencesEmdin, C. (2016). For white folks who teach in the hood: And the rest of y’all too. Boston, MA:
Beacon Press. Krashen, S. (1983). The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom. Alemany Press Patrick, R. (2019). Comprehensible Input and Krashen's theory. Journal of Classics Teaching, 20(39), 37-44. doi:10.1017/S2058631019000060 This post is a long time coming. I want to be clear in that. Over the past year or so it has popped up throughout a variety of forums and in a number of ways. Many say that no single teaching "method" is inherently equitable... and I agree with that. However, I disagree that Comprehensible Input is a teaching method. It is a philosophy and hypothesis. Today I want to (quickly I hope) break down the six pieces and how they relate to social justice. This is not meant to be an exhaustive piece. This may turn into a much larger series of posts, but for now, let's get into it. EDIT: As I started writing, I realised this is going to be MUCH longer than I anticipated.... So, it will be a series of 6 posts. Today's is on the first principle of Comprehensible Input: Acquisition and Learning. Acquisition and LearningThis may be the most well known piece of the Comprehension Hypothesis. It states that language acquisition happens subconsciously when one understands the messages one receives in the target language, whether through reading or listening (Krashen, 2012). Learning refers to the explicit teaching and learning about a language: its gears and parts (Patrick, 2019). With acquisition, we are not aware of the processes happening inside our brain. With learning, we are. The idea has been stated recently that because of this distinction, the use of CI in the classroom is actually racist on the premise that CI teachers are "dumbing down" content for BIPOC. However, this argument is built on a misunderstanding of CI principles. Nowhere in the hypothesis does it say that learning does not have a place in the classroom. What it says is that learning does not help language acquisition. When students are ready, CI teachers will employ the use of explicit learning language strategies to help them further their skills and make use of their inner monitor. The key piece, however, is when students are ready. This speaks to this principle's purpose in a culturally responsive and social justice aware classroom. Rather than holding students (any student) to a standard decided upon by adults, students get to communicate their level of comfort and readiness for explicit learning topics. They are part of the conversation. They have a voice. This is not a "dumbing down" of content, but a restructuring. I'd like, bearing in mind that I do not want these posts to be miles long, to suggest some ways practical and real ways that this principle, when applied correctly, is socially justice minded and culturally aware.
So, I'd like to close today's post with this. If you, as a teacher, are not ensuring that your content is truly comprehensible to your students in the multitude of ways it can be, you are missing some key points about this principle of the Comprehension Hypothesis. There is work to be done. In order to use the Comprehension Hypothesis and be a "CI teacher" you do not have to be perfect. I am not perfect. You do, however, have to do the work. This is the first part of the work. ReferencesKrashen, S. (2012). The comprehension hypothesis extended. Input Matters in SLA. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 81-94. Retrieved from: Patrick, R. (2019). Comprehensible Input and Krashen's theory. Journal of Classics Teaching, 20(39), 37-44. doi:10.1017/S2058631019000060 Salvete. My name is Miriam Patrick. I am a Latin teacher in a public high school in Georgia. I serve on the American Classical League (ACL) task force for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). I am one of the people who have spent the last 48 hours working on, arguing about, and considering the statement ACL published and the longer statement that ACL will publish soon. I am writing this post for a few reasons, including the continued work I and others are doing on this matter. I am also writing this post because, as anyone who knows me will tell you, I believe that the work must be done for social justice and anti-racism, and I believe that every one of us MUST do that work. As of late, I vacillate between emotions: anger, sadness, hopelessness, hopefulness, determination. It was with all these feelings that I, and a few others, approached the ACL about a statement of solidarity with Black Lives Matter. In the past, the ACL has been criticised for making no statement or for making a statement too late. They’ve been scolded for making vague, incomplete statements that feel more like a pat on the back than a commitment to real action and service. As a member of the DEI taskforce, I know this. I’ve voiced this. The ACL has further been criticised for comments and promotional materials that were racist, out of date, and elitist (to say the least). The DEI immediately took on those materials and made critical suggestions, and they were subsequently removed. The most recent criticism of these materials included quotes from these removed works, but did not include the work done to remove them. This is not a defense of those materials. This is, however, real work; real work that is being done nearly continuously. I have been on the DEI task force since its inception. I wanted to serve on a proactive task force. I want to enact change in a community that I both love and in which I see faults. And for a while I did not feel that we were accomplishing that, and I still have questions. For our first year we were reactive, responding to emails and complaints, working with the ACL to go over past materials, and answering calls to action from people within and outside the ACL membership. I expressed my anger and frustration on this and I was asked by team members, colleagues, and friends to give it more time. And, so I have. It has not been easy. There is a tool of self understanding shared with me recently by my department head. Here is a link. I encourage everyone to take it. I have the voice of the creator and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that things are done the best way they can be done. I know this about myself and I have always walked away from my work with the DEI asking myself what could have been done better, what could have been stronger, what could I have pushed for more. This is not exclusive to me. I know many of my colleagues on this task force feel the same way. Why then, you might ask, is it taking so long? The ACL is a very large, very old ship. It carries many people. It wants to carry more. This ship has built within it, much like our country, systems of oppression and systems that ignore the very voices of the people it carries. This is the way it is. This is also the crux of what must be fixed. The people in the ACL are part of a ship built to include racism and oppression, as are all people in the United States. They… WE… in order to change the build of the ship, must do the work that starts with learning how to fix the ship. While we do that, we must carry and push the ship. It is a large ship. It is an old ship. It will take much more than a statement, more than papers, more than lifting it out of the water just to see all the parts. It will take action. White people, I’m speaking to us. Our colleagues and friends and beloveds of colour live a reality every day where the very system works against them. The ACL should not replicate that system. The ACL should be a place where their voices are listened to, honoured, and lifted. It’s time to rebuild the ship. To be clear, this work isn’t a pipe dream. It is real and ongoing, if slow moving. Is it enough? No. Have I left? No. Have others left? Yes. Some. Some have chosen to leave and some have chosen not to join. This is their choice. If this is what they must do, then I understand. However, I also understand that as a member of the ACL, one who has benefitted from it and from the white privilege I have, it is up to me to do this work. So, here I am. To this point, I’ve made a number of suggestions or calls to action to the ACL. I have put them below my final words. The ACL has a lot of work to do. Trust me when I say that it is happening, if slowly. There is a group of people actively working for change. There is also a process that must be followed as per the governing documents. There is a lot of criticism and judgement going around. It is not all inaccurate. It is also missing an integral part of this whole conversation: the work. For action to be taken, someone must stand up and do it. Thank you, Miriam Patrick P.S. Below you will find the list of tangible actions I made to the ACL early yesterday morning. I am publishing it here. Just as the ACL could do this, so can each of us. Before anyone takes a voice of extreme criticism and exclusion, consider doing the work we each must do. 1. Statement of solidarity that does not speak to "all lives matter" or take the focus away from BLM. 2. Make donations to groups actively working for this cause. NAACP, EJI, Southern Poverty Law Center, BLM, are just a few. There are others as well. 3. Lift up BIPOC voices. This is really easy, free, and can do a lot of good work. - Reach out to the BIPOC membership. Ask them for their twitter handles, blogs, websites, etc and feature them on the ACL website and social media. - Find out which BIPOC members are publishing research, novellas, etc. and feature them in the Outlook, on the website, and on social medias - If BIPOC members have small businesses that are appropriate, share them on the website and social medias - If and when BIPOC members share stories of racism, white supremacy, etc. about our community, share that story in the Outlook, on the website, and social media. - When BIPOC come to the ACL with stories, concerns, etc. the ACL should believe and support them. - Lift up voices of BIPOC content creators where appropriate. These can be novellas, videos, tutorials, podcasts, audio, etc. Share them on the website and social media. 4. Provide resources and make a call for white people in the ACL to do the work. This includes people in leadership on the ACL board. There are plenty of books, resources, etc. They don't need to be Latin related. They need to be socially justice minded. I can recommend a few if you all would like. 5. A detailed apology for times the ACL didn't rise to the occasion and how, in detail, it will be fixed. Transparency is really important. Finished and polished products are amazing, but communities of colour need to see us do the real and hard work. Firstly, I must thank Bolchazy-Carducci for this wonderful opportunity. When they asked me to consider giving a webinar on this subject, I knew I wanted to expand upon the ideas put forth in Rachel and my original presentation (originally presented at AWLA and subsequently at FLAG and ACTFL). This particular presentation, presented Tuesday 19 May 2020, focuses on the practical ways we can bring social justice into the Latin classroom. It includes suggestions for:
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you'd like to chat. I am always up for a conversation on these topics. This Tuesday I'll be presenting on social justice in the Latin classroom and I'll be focusing on things we can do in our classrooms immediately. Check out more information here!
AboutThis particular blog is dedicated to social justice workings in my professional and personal life. Archives
June 2022